Wednesday, January 31, 2007

NBC Sports Marathon and TV Appearance

I was watching NBC over the weekend, just to have something on while I did some work. (ALWAYS seem to be working these days...) They showed their sports. They started with Snowboarding, switched to golf, went to tennis, then to Texas Hold 'em Poker, then to hot shot skiing, then to horseracing, then to hockey. Most of what they showed, they didn't show all of. My question: Who the hell is the golf-snowboarding-tennis-texas hold 'em crowd? What the hell do any of these sports after to do with each other? Oh yeah, they also threw in some figure skating. If you're into golf-horseracing-tennis-texas hold 'em-tennis, check out NBC this weekend! I'll be throwing in a DVD, myself...

Did WGN news yesterday. Feel free to give me feedback so I can improve for future TV appearances.

Also, my dating advice column "Lunch is Not a Date" debuts in WASSUP! LOCAL, a Chicago area magazine (monthly) with a circulation of 95,000. I'll post the column here when it comes out. They don't put it on their site.

Well, back to work...


Simon Barrett said...

Ian, I managed to keep your book away from my wife. Unfortunately she saw your TV interview.

Do you have any advice about what I should do?

Did You Stop to Think? said...

Don't you remember? In the book I talk about nice long rope... it doesn't set of metal detectors when traveling thru the airport, it's much lighter to carry... didn't you say you hit her over the head to begin with?