Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Michael Moore's latest. Seen it? I saw it the other day. It's quite good, exaggerated some, I'm sure, but quite good. Here are the key points that just piss me off:

The volunteer rescue workers, including volunteer fire fighters, at Ground Zero of 9/11 receive no healthcare from the government because they are not considered actual government employees. I remember all the rhetoric from the Pres. and everyone else in government--"Remember the heroes of 9/11, praise the heroes of 9/11."

Our government is cutting V.A. benefits during a war, yet telling the public to "support the troops." What a crock. (This is not in the movie but should have been.)

This is a related stoy my friend told me yesterday. (The movie Sicko is not about those who don't have health coverage as much as it is about those who have it but have their claims denied for bs reasons. This story is a great example.) My friend Steve has a friend who recently had a baby. The poor child has an ailment and needs serious medical help. The mother's insurance refuses to cover the care because the baby's condition could be related to genetics; therefore, the insurance company classifies the baby's condition as "pre-existing." Is that fucking unbelievable or what? It makes you just want to punch them in the face!


Legal Pub said...

I am not a big fan of Michael Moore, but I think he is close to the truth on this topic. Health care does need reform. It would help his credibility; however, if he would loose some weight and appear more healthy himself.

Melissa said...

This movie made me bawl my eyes out - mainly the stories of individuals who died because their claims were denied. WTH is wrong with this country? Why do we have to make a profit off of everything? Of course the American part of me tells me to go buy stock in the HMOs...

CoachJason said...

Ian, I agree... the movie was quite good and raised a lot of great points, not to mention the great history lessons that were put in perspective!

Thanks for your comments on it.

By the way, I (finally) started my own blog at blog.DistinctiveCoaching.com

Catch you later!